Fin Taylor is a British comedian who's making some fascinating politically-charged work at the moment. I saw his show Whitey McWhite Face at the Edinburgh Fringe last year and it lit a fire under my butt. He made me laugh and think and feel uncomfortable, and that's all good stuff.
Here we discuss his disillusionment with the Left, his journey to progressive centrism, class, Corbyn, Blair, Clegg, Islamism, white white white privilege/invisibility and political correctness.
Problematic is coming to Hobart for ONE NIGHT ONLY on Wednesday March 15th
It's also heading to Brisbane, Melbourne & Sydney
Boundless Plains To Share is coming to Brisbane (2 shows only) and Melbourne (1 show only)
Stand Up For Mehdi at MICF 2017
Article: The Left Are The Right's Best Friends by Nick Cohen
The Sydney Morning Herald's profile on The Iraq Dossier
Cause of the Week: The Euston Manifesto (