Playwright, Black Comedy writer, tweeter and Aboriginal not-activist Nakkiah Lui joins me for a chat ahead of that ugly date, January 26th. Nakkiah reveals how she and her family mark Invasion Day and we discuss the merits of even having a national day at all.
We also touch on ideological diversity within Indigenous Australia, the "personal responsibility" narrative, deconstructing whiteness, the myth of multiculturalism, Bill Leak and the new TV series we're now going to pitch all over town, Blackfulla Mirror.
Reconciliation Comedy Gala at at the Malthouse Theatre on Invasion Day
Invasion Day Melbourne Event on Facebook
My Work in Progress show starts at Perth Fringeworld next week
Article: Why are we fighting Islamaphobia at the expense of Indigenous Australians? by Sara Saleh
Nakkiah on The Osher Günsberg Podcast
Article: It's not racism that Australia needs to get rid of - it's the privilege of whiteness
Article: As an Aboriginal teen I thought about killing myself every day
Article: Australia Day is a time for mourning not celebration
Americanah by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
Black Is The New White coming to Sydney Theatre Company
An Octoroon coming to Queensland Theatre Company
Cause of the Week: Butucarbin Aboriginal Corporation (