Luke McGregor is a beloved Australian comedian who co-stars in the ABC series Rosehaven alongside Celia Pacquola and presents "Lukenomics" on The Weekly. He's also my very nice friend and one time we got KFC together.
A month on from his appearance on Q&A alongside (now Nationals leader) Barnaby Fucking Joyce, Luke talks to me about the frustrations of public debate, why studying economics stopped him being a Liberal voter, and the ins and outs of Modern Monetary Theory (MMT).
I'm doing Dry July please help me/cancer research
If you’ve got the means please support this show by becoming a Patron
Join the LIASYO Facebook group here please and thank you
WE ARE ALL IN THIS will be at the Brisbane Comedy Festival in August
There’s an encore Sydney show of WE ARE ALL IN THIS on August 20th
My two shows and special filming at Chapel Off Chapel have been rescheduled to August 27th & 28th
Free online event: MMT and the Media: Taking Charge of the Narrative with Luke & Bill Mitchell
Daily Mail article on Luke's appearance on Q&A
Cause of the Week: Brightside Farm Sanctuary (
Josh Callinan is the Secretary of the Retail And Fast Food Workers' Union (RAFFWU); a young fighting union which represents thousands of overwhelmingly younger Australian workers in highly casualised and insecure industries.
RAFFWU was set up in opposition to the right-wing "yellow" union the Shop, Distributive and Allied Employees Association (the SDA), aka Christian Porter's favourite union. In this conversation Josh explains just how bad the SDA has been for workers, the scourge of casualisation and how RAFFWU is organising for a better deal and a better future.
If you’ve got the means please support this show by becoming a Patron
Join the LIASYO Facebook group here please and thank you
This Sunday is World Refugee Day! Please help out the ASRC if you can
WE ARE ALL IN THIS will be at the Brisbane Comedy Festival in August
There’s an encore Sydney show of WE ARE ALL IN THIS on August 20th
My two shows at Chapel Off Chapel have been rescheduled to August 27th & 28th
ARTICLE: Precarious workers held out to dry by Josh Cullinan
ARTICLE: Australia's Youngest Union Is Organising Retail and Fast-Food Workers (in Jacobin)
ARTICLE: Shopped Out by Ben Schneiders & Royce Millar
Cause of the Week: RAFFWU! Join them yourself or spread the word (
Tim Hollo is a former staffer for the Australian Greens, is the Greens candidate for the federal seat of Canberra and works as the Executive Director of the official Greens think tank, The Greens Institute.
He's currently working on a book laying out his theory of "ecological politics"; a a self-organising democracy grounded in the natural world and connection. Tim wants a politics seeks to go beyond the neoliberal capitalist status quo, rejects the far-right's "solutions" and avoids what he considers to be the limits of socialism. We discuss the details of Tim's theory, as well as his reflections on the Greens' strategy around Kevin Rudd's CPRS, how fossil fuel companies killing off the possibilities of climate action, decentralising power and why consensus decision making isn't centrism.
If you’ve got the means please support this show by becoming a Patron
Join the LIASYO Facebook group here please and thank you
WE ARE ALL IN THIS will be at the Brisbane Comedy Festival in August
There's an encore Sydney show of WE ARE ALL IN THIS on August 20th
My two shows at Chapel Off Chapel have been rescheduled to August 27th & 28th
OPINION PIECE: The End Of The World As We Know It by Tim Hollo
Cause of the Week: IndigenousX (