He's back! The socialist journalist, author, broadcaster and activist Jeff Sparrow is back to help make sense of the election result.
Hear what Jeff makes of the idea that the ALP should return to the "sensible centre", how unconvincing Bill Shorten was as a progressive leader, the radical response that the climate crisis requires, where to next for the #StopAdani campaign, the fate of The Greens and whether class warfare is really over (hint: it's not).
You can support the show by becoming a Patron yes please thanks
ENOUGH is coming to Newcastle, Geelong, Sydney & Melbourne
A Rational Fear is coming to Brisbane for Climate Week on Thursday June 6th
I'll be back in Brisbane on Sunday June 30th for the MELT Gala
ENOUGH is coming to the Edinburgh Fringe Festival in August
Jeff's articles: Where to now for the Left?
What went wrong for Labor on climate
The environment vs jobs? We have been in this fight before
Jeff's book Trigger Warnings: Political Correctness & The Rise of the Right
ARTICLE: Unions' pro-Labor electoral strategy a failure by Tom Bramble
ARTICLE: Tony Burke floats Green New Deal-style approach to Labor's climate policy
ARTICLE: Anthony Albanese to travel to Queensland on first day as Labor leader
ARTICLE: Trumpism is taking over the world and the Left is to blame by Bret Stephens
Cause of the Week: BDS Australia (bdsaustralia.net.au)
Gideon Rozner is a Liberal Party member and the director of policy at free market think tank The Institute of Public Affairs. He loves markets and freedom and shit like that.
I'd booked this discussion in prior to the weekend's election results which for SOME FUCKING BONKERS reason s3aw the Morrison government re-elected. Gideon was very pleased with the result and in this conversation we discuss what he think happened, what Morrison will actually do, his climate scepticism, "class warfare", abolishing the Fair Work Act and how much money he won by betting on the election.
You can support the show by becoming a Patron yes please thanks
ENOUGH is coming to Newcastle, Geelong, Sydney & Melbourne
ENOUGH is coming to the Edinburgh Fringe Festival in August
Gideon's profile on The IPA website
20 Policies to Fix Australia by The IPA
Gideon talks Peter Ridd on Sky News Outsiders
ARTICLE: Climate sceptics see a conspiracy in Australia's record-breaking heat by Graham Readfearn
ARTICLE: Australian Labor's Miliband Moment by Osmond Chiu
ARTICLE: We live in anti-political times by Elizabeth Humphrys
Cause of the Week: Give Money To Homeless People (or alternatively support Justice Connect's Homeless Law justiceconnect.org.au)
Singapore-based fund manager Alex Turnbull is the son of the ousted PM Malcolm and self-described "activist in most senses of the word".
Since the leadership coup in August of last year, Alex has been publicly scathing of the state of the Liberal Party and has actively campaigned to get centrist independents elected in traditionally safe Liberal seats. Alex joined me via Skype to talk with me about about his new approach to politics and public debate, what the heck the "sensible centre" really means and whether or not his dad ever watched my TV show.
You can support the show by becoming a Patron, don’t-ya-know
ENOUGH is coming to the Edinburgh Fringe Festival in August
I'm hosting the Smokestack Comedy Gala is on at Monash University this Friday night
Please support the Refugee Council's Choose Humane campaign
ARTICLE: Alex Turnbull, former PM's son, names 'top 5 craziest Liberals'
ARTICLE: Alex Turnbull takes aim at News Corp
ARTICLE: Alex Turnbull puts his money where his non-Liberal mouth is
Dirty Power: Big Coal's network of influence over the Coalition government by Greenpeace
Cause of the Week: Carbon Tracker (carbontracker.org)
Richard Di Natale is a Senator for Victoria and the leader of the Australian Greens. His seat isn't up this election but he is out there campaigning hard for the Greens to retain their positions in the Senate and potentially pick up some lower house seats too.
In this conversation we covered a lot, from Richard's thoughts on the egging of the PM to the ghosts of social media past sinking young people's political careers to his party's political fortunes to capitalism to MDMA. But it's clear that the Greens' and Richard's passion is focussed on the existential threat of climate change (as you'd expect). Here Richard outlines the importance of the battle against Adani, the bizarre coal culture war and what a just transition for coal miners might actually look like.
You can support the show by becoming a Patron, don't-ya-know
ENOUGH is on at the Sydney Comedy Festival for 4 shows only this week! WOW!
ENOUGH is coming to the Edinburgh Fringe Festival in August
Richard's speech at the National Press Club
The Greens' election platform (read it please)
350.org's documentary Accelerate Climate Action
ARTICLE: Whither the Greens? How a reckoning looms for a party fighting to hang on by Paddy Manning
ARTICLE: What is next for the Australian Greens? by Martin McKenzie-Murray
Cause of the Week: The Australian Greens (greens.org.au)