Eva Orner is an Academy Award-winning documentarian who is exposing Australia's shameful offshore detention regime with her new film Chasing Asylum. The documentary features never-before-seen footage from inside the camps on Nauru and Manus Island and brave whistleblowers speaking out about the horrific things they've witnessed.
I've seen it and (unsurprisingly) it made me cry and it made me even more furious.
Here Eva details her motivation to make work that speaks to power, torture, her frustrations with the refugee debate in Australia, the parallels between the persecution of Jews under Nazi Germany and Australia's detention system today, government secrecy and what might just help change the conversation.
The World Keeps Happening at the Sydney Comedy Store, July 9th
The World Keeps Happening at the 2016 Edinburgh Fringe Festival
GetUp petition - Bring Them Here
It's Okay To Compare Australia In 2016 With Nazi Germany, And Here’s Why by David Berger
Cause of the Week: Go see "Chasing Asylum"!
Edward Bourke is a 15-year-old right-wing conservative who loves the monarchy, Margaret Thatcher and Donald Trump.
In fact, he loves Trump so much he’s launched The Trump Campaign to support the billionaire’s presidential bid and has been interviewed by Vice, Sunrise and news.com.au – and now me. In this lively discussion, Edward and I cover class, immigration, the importance of morals, Indigenous Australians and why he finds The Donald so appealing.
Despite all our disagreements, I really couldn’t help but find myself quite liking the guy. See what you reckon.
I'm at the Sydney Comedy Store this week
The World Keeps Happening at the Sydney Comedy Store, July 9th
The World Keeps Happening at the 2016 Edinburgh Fringe Festival
SBS's The Feed's video on Peter Dutton: The douche that keeps on giving
Outstanding claims - The Saturday Paper's editorial
Cause of the Week: Saving the Lion (savingthelion.org)
Rebecca Shaw is a writer, podcaster and twitterer extraordinaire. You may know her best as Brocklesnitch or have chuckled at her parody twitter account, @NoToFeminism (a book is on the way). She writes satire and opinion for SBS Comedy and Guardian Australia.
Bec makes me laugh a lot throughout this chat as we discuss the purpose of satire, queerphobia in country Queensland, feminism and the kind of feedback you can expect if you're a woman who dares to express her opinion on the internet. Oh also bad tattoos.
The ABC's Party Room podcast, The Guardian's Australian Politics Live with Lenore Taylor & Katharine Murphy, Something Wonky's Wonk The Vote
The World Keeps Happening at the Sydney Comedy Store, July 9th
The World Keeps Happening at the 2016 Edinburgh Fringe Festival
Bec's podcast with Peter Taggart, Bring A Plate
Cause of the Week: Minus 18 (minus18.org.au), youreaccepted.com.au
First Dog On The Moon is a dog and a Walkley award-winning cartoonist. His work has appeared in Crikey and now Guardian Australia and it is funny and silly and dog-based and sad and great.
Here Dog and I discuss the origins of his work, the importance of being a good political hater, the problems with empathy, his horrible lefty family, civil disobedience penguins, brussels sprouts and mountain chicken frogs.
My piece for Fairfax: Those Fighting Against Offshore Detention Don't Need All The Answers
The Pacific Solution's brutal truth: we need it by Jonathan Holmes
My piece for Guardian Australia: Stop the votes! A message from the Prime Minister of Canberra
LGBTIQ+ Issues in St Petersburg & Around The World (happening tonight!)
Me, Lehmo & Genevieve Morris at Sooki Lounge on May 12th
Ridiculous Laws: A Justice Connect event (Wednesday May 18th)
First Dog's Walkley-award winning cartoon ...then where will we be?
We Have A Serious Problem by Douglas McGrath
Cause of the week: Oscar’s Law (oscarslaw.org)
Writer, engineer, former political candidate and now pollster Osman Faruqi has written for Guardian Australia, Junkee and SBS and regularly tweets like a mofo. He's the son of Mehreen Faruqi, the first female Muslim to be elected to any Australian parliament (for the Greens, no less) and has recently launched his own polling site, Metapoll, dubbed "the most reliable poll ever".
Here Osman tells me how he and his mum first became engaged with politics, the dire state of climate politics in Australia today,the lack of diversity in the Greens and the ALMIGHTY POWER OF THE POLLS.
The World Keeps Happening encore show at the Sydney Comedy Store
Me, Lehmo & Genevieve Morris at Sooki Lounge on May 12th
Osman's writingatGuardian Australia
Osman's writingatoverland.org.au
Cause of the Week: The Refugee Advice & CaseworkService (racs.org.au)